
BioEarth active
Tec​hnical Data Sheet

    Product Overview.
BioEarth active is organic liquid fertilizer extracted from premium quality vermicompost. BioEarth© is rich in Organic Matter, Humic Substances (Humic and Fulvic), 17 free Amino Acids, macro, micro and trace elements with balanced effective beneficial microorganisms.

    Recommended Uses.
BioEarth active is highly concentrated extract with dilution ratio of 1 to 500 for drip irrigation and 1 to 1000 for foliar spray. BioEarth© is recommended for grain crops, vegetables fodder, fruit trees, berry and flowers. 

    BioEarth active Benefits to Plants.
          Stimulates Creation of Strong and Branching Root System
          Promotes Assimilation of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium, and Prevents Formation of Nitrates

Increases Plant’s Resistance to Diseases, Pests and Weather Conditions
          Improving Crops Quality by Increasing Efficiency of Enzymes Responsible for Respiration and Synthesis of Sugar, Protein and Chlorophyll
          Stimulates Plant Growth by Accelerating Cell Division
          Reduces Harvesting Period and Increases Crops Yield more than 20%

  BioEarth active Benefits to Soil.
​          Formation of Soil Structure, Enriches Micro Flora
          Increases Sandy Soil Ability to Reserve Water and Nutrients
          High Capacity for Cation Exchange. Helps Transforming NPK Nutrients and Other Trace Elements Into a Form Available for Plants
          Acts as Chelator for Metal Ions Under Alkaline Conditions
          Promotes Decomposition of Pesticides Remains and Harmful Metabolites, Reducing Chemical Load on Soil
          Enriches the Soil with Organic Matter and Bio Humus, Increasing Oxygen Supply to the Soil 

  Application & Storage.
Soak seeds in 1:30 solution for 6 - 18 hours with preferably non-chloride water. Use 1:500 solution for root irrigation, and 1:1000 foliar spraying as per technical brochure. Store outside of direct sun light, between 4 and 30°c. Shake well before every use.Do not exceed recommended application.Type your paragraph here.

Technical Data Sheet

Organic Agricultural Technology 


​Average  Analysis​.

                  HUMIC SUBSTANCES EXTRACT (W/V)

≥  2.2 %

                   ORGANIC MATTER (W/W)

≥  55.0%

                   TOTAL NITROGEN (W/W)

≥  2.8%

                   TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AS P2O (W/W)

≥  4.0%

                   TOTAL POTASSIUM AS K2O (W/W) 

≥  3.0%

                   TOTAL FREE AMINO ACIDS (W/W)

≥  2.7%

                   C/N RATIO



7 to 9.5

                   EC (1:100 SOLUTION)

0.2 to 1

